The intensity of pelvic pain is higher in endometriosis patients

The intensity of pelvic pain is higher in endometriosis patients By Irem Onur

Silva  J.B. et al., researchers from Brazil, conducted a case-control study to determine the intensity of clinical pain, the average body composition, and the anthropometric markers including the body mass index, the perimeters (waist, abdomen, hip), and the percentage of…

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The effect of endometriosis on the quality of life

The effect of endometriosis on the quality of life By Hale Goksever Celik

Endometriosis, the disease defined as the localization of endometrial glandular and stromal tissue outside the uterine cavity, can be diagnosed in the reproductive-aged women with an incidence of 7-15%. However, endometriosis is observed in women with chronic pelvic pain syndrome…

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The predictors for sexual dysfunction in infertile women with endometriosis

The predictors for sexual dysfunction in infertile women with endometriosis By Hale Goksever Celik

Endometriosis is a disease defined as the localization of endometrial glandular and stromal tissue outside the uterine cavity. Its incidence ranges up to 10% of reproductive-aged women. The most common symptoms in these women are chronic pelvic pain, dyspareunia, and…

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Treatment choices for abdominal wall endometriosis

Treatment choices for abdominal wall endometriosis By Selma Oransay

Welch, from the Department of  Radiology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, worked with his gynecologist colleagues to underline the current treatment algorithm of abdominal wall endometriosis in Mayo Clinic. Their experience results recently published in the journal "Abdominal Radiology". Abdominal wall…

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Extragenital endometriosis and ultrasound

Extragenital endometriosis and ultrasound By Irem Onur

Contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) is a non-invasive imaging method with no exposure to radiation. There are a few reports on the use of CEUS in the assessment of endometriosis in the literature. Dong et al. reported 3 histopathologically proven cases of…

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Pain cognition and pain intensity are negatively associated with health-related quality of life

Pain cognition and pain intensity are negatively associated with health-related quality of life By Deniz Kocas

Pain is a personal experience and is different for every individual. Catastrophizing, fear of pain, and hypervigilance to pain are important factors that contribute to pain perception. These factors are described as pain cognition and refer to the negative appraisal…

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Ultrasound-guided High-intensity Focused Ultrasound can Treat Abdominal Wall Endometriosis

Ultrasound-guided High-intensity Focused Ultrasound can Treat Abdominal Wall Endometriosis By Kasthuri Nair

Endometriosis is a painful and complicated disease that can manifest in various ways. One particular way is Abdominal Wall Endometriosis (AWE), which usually arises from surgery. As is true for other types of endometriosis, there has yet to be a…

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