A suggestion for a novel in vitro diagnostic test for endometriosis

A suggestion for a novel in vitro diagnostic test for endometriosis By Eylül GÜN

As the research continues to find a gold standard non-invasive diagnostic method for endometriosis, there still is no definitive answer. One of the most commonly studied markers is Cancer Antigen 125 (CA125) – a biomarker that is secreted from the…

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Assessing endometrial receptivity using menstrual blood samples in patients undergoing in-vitro fertilization

Assessing endometrial receptivity using menstrual blood samples in patients undergoing in-vitro fertilization By Eylül GÜN

Endometrial receptivity is the endometrium's capacity to allow the embryo the chance to adhere, infiltrate, and develop while ensuring an ideal microenvironment. When impaired, it is one of the two major factors contributing to infertility along with embryo quality by…

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The emotions and experiences of women with endometriosis during and after pregnancy

The emotions and experiences of women with endometriosis during and after pregnancy By Eylül GÜN

It is well-known that endometriosis patients have a high rate of infertility and a hard time getting pregnant compared to women without endometriosis. Despite the belief that pregnancy can alleviate endometriosis symptoms, some studies have shown that women with endometriosis…

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Surgery before in-vitro fertilization – Is it beneficial in patients with deep endometriosis?

Surgery before in-vitro fertilization – Is it beneficial in patients with deep endometriosis? By Eylül GÜN

Deep pelvic endometriosis is thought to be related to infertility by altering the pelvic environment and anatomy due to pelvic adhesions, and the changes in endometrial receptivity contribute to it. The discussion on whether the surgical intervention was beneficial started…

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A novel in-vitro endometriosis model with KRAS and PIK3CA mutations

A novel in-vitro endometriosis model with KRAS and PIK3CA mutations By Eylül GÜN

A plethora of research has been ongoing to illuminate the pathogenesis of endometriosis which is a multifactorial disease. These studies have proven the association between some mutated cancer driver genes and endometriosis, and links between certain cancers such as ovarian…

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Non-invasive Construction of Endometrial Organoids

Non-invasive Construction of Endometrial Organoids By Eylül GÜN

Organoids are 3D culture structures established in vitro and they reflect the aspects of the tissue or the organ they represent. They are seen as important tools in the evaluation of normal development, disease course, and the prediction of the…

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Endometriosis, ART, fertility preservation

Endometriosis, ART, fertility preservation By Selma Oransay

This review entitled "The impact of endometriosis on the outcome of assisted reproductive techniques: role of fertility preservation" was written by Necula et al. from Gynecology and Obstetrics Unit, Biel, Switzerland, and recently published in the journal "Hormone, Molecular Biology and Clinical…

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Impaired fertility potential in endometriosis patients

Impaired fertility potential in endometriosis patients By Hale Goksever Celik

Infertility is frequently encountered in endometriosis patients because of anatomic distortion, alterations in endometrial receptivity, diminished tubal peristalsis and sperm movements. Garcia-Fernandez and García-Velasco, from Edinburgh, UK and Madrid, Spain, published a mini-review titled “Endometriosis and Reproduction: What We Have…

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Implantation failure in endometriosis patients - Jovana Lekovich, MD., PhD.

Implantation failure in endometriosis patients - Jovana Lekovich, MD., PhD. By Hale Goksever Celik

Endometriosis is one of the leading reasons for infertility due to decreased oocyte/embryo quality, fertilization ability, tubal function, and aberrant endometrial receptivity. Whether this failure is caused by oocyte/embryo or eutopic endometrium is one of the investigated topics in endometriosis…

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In vitro fertilization protocols in endometriosis patients - Pinar Kodaman, MD., PhD.

In vitro fertilization protocols in endometriosis patients - Pinar Kodaman, MD., PhD. By Hale Goksever Celik

Infertility is frequently encountered in endometriosis patients because of anatomic distortion, alterations in endometrial receptivity, diminished tubal peristalsis, and sperm movements. Even though the disease stage and presence of endometrioma is negatively correlated with infertility, it is unpredictable which women…

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Endometrioma size and anti-Müllerian hormone levels

Endometrioma size and anti-Müllerian hormone levels By Hale Goksever Celik

Endometriotic lesions are encountered in different locations in the pelvic cavity, including but not limited to the ovaries, the pouch of Douglas, the ureters, the bladder, and the bowel. Cystic endometriosis lesions located in the ovary are called "endometrioma". Endometriomas have…

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Reduced risk of "small for gestational age baby" following frozen embryo transfer in endometriosis patients

Reduced risk of By Hale Goksever Celik

Infertility is encountered frequently in patients with endometriosis. These women could be managed using assisted reproductive technology (ART) including in-vitro fertilization (IVF) or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) to achieve pregnancy. However, some adverse obstetric and perinatal outcomes are experienced more…

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