Ovarian Endometrioma Reduces the Chance of a Successful Pregnancy With IVF

Ovarian Endometrioma Decreases Ovarian Reserve and Reduces the efficacy of IVF, a new study reported.

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A new potential therapeutic target in endometriosis: Galectin-3

Galectin-3, a cell surface molecule, was found to be increased in endometriosis

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How do regional differences affect the incidence rates of endometriosis?

Regional differences contribute to endometriosis being an underdiagnosed disease in Denmark, study finds

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Fertility assessment and surgical approach in endometriotic patients.

Fertility preserving surgery is the surgery that "reduces complications and optimizes postoperative outcomes".

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The effect of chronic endometritis on pregnancy outcomes in infertile women having minimal/mild endometriosis

Chronic endometritis has a detrimental effect on cumulative pregnancy and the live birth rate in infertile women with minimal/mild endometriosis.

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Understanding the expression of endometriosis-related pain: A barrier to overcome

Describing the pain endometriosis patients face is not standard and easy and often underestimated, study reflects

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