Elagolix (ABT-620) for endometriosis pain?
Elagolix is an active brain hormone antagonist (called gonadotropin-releasing hormone which is acting on ovaries) has just completed clinical trial for endometriosis-associated pain. The review article by Alessandro et al in Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics summarized the current research…
Key Points Lay Summary
Endometriosis Symptoms Often Go Unrecognized, Nationwide Survey Finds
The findings indicated that almost half (42%) of the women surveyed did not know that painful intercourse could be a sign of endometriosis. Importantly, 20% of healthcare professionals rarely or never asked their patients about painful intercourse.
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Desogestrel Could Effectively Be Used to Reduce Endometriosis-Related Pain Following Surgery
In order to test whether desogestrel is able to relieve endometriosis-related pain, researchers conducted a double-blind and randomized placebo-controlled trial (where neither the patients nor the clinician know who is getting the drug and who is getting a placebo), in…
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$363,000 to Identify Markers of Pain in Endometriosis Awarded to St Louis Scientists
"Our goal is to take this exciting basic science work a step further and study to see if these molecules can serve as biomarkers in people, helping us to identify patients who would and who would not benefit from drugs…
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Women with Endometriosis Should be Closely Monitored During Pregnancy and Birth, Study Suggests
Almost all pregnancy complications occurred more frequently in women with endometriosis than in women without endometriosis. These included the risk of preeclampsia, bleeding, placental abruption, placental previa (where the placenta lies low in the uterus and partially or completely covers…
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New Method Could Help Diagnose Endometriosis in a Non-invasive Manner
The authors concluded that the study of proteins based on high-resolution mass spectrometry could be a non-invasive way of diagnosing endometriosis. They also noted that their results confirm endometriosis as a chronic inflammatory disease.
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Women With a Higher BMI May Have a Lower Risk of Endometriosis
Based on the results of these studies, the researchers calculated that the risk of endometriosis fell by 33% with each 5 kg/m2 increase in BMI. Moreover, obese women (defined as having a BMI between 30 and 40) had 11% less…
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Endometriosis Can Reduce Sleep Quality and Negatively Impact Patient’s Quality of Life Study Suggests
The researchers assessed sleep quality, daytime sleepiness, and insomnia in all women using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, the Epworth sleepiness scale, and the Insomnia Severity Index respectively, all self-evaluating questionnaires.
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