Ultrasound and #Enzian Classification for Endometriosis
Jul 28, 2023
#Enzian classification satisfies the need for a common language for non-invasive diagnostics in endometriosis
Key Points
- #Enzian classification satisfies the need for a common language for non-invasive diagnostics in endometriosis
- Having the right classification system can ensure women receive the right diagnosis and care as well as ensure the best communication between patients and clinicians.
What’s done here:
- The advantages of the #Enzian classification system have been described.
Key results:
- The #Enzian classification system:
- can ensure a systematic description and classification of the disease.
- is suitable for both non-invasive and surgical applications.
- can facilitate interdisciplinary collaborations.
- can improve communication between physicians and patients and reduce fears and uncertainties about endometriosis.
Lay Summary
The #Enzian classification can ensure endometriosis is systematically described and classified, which can “greatly facilitates communication between physicians and patients, sonographers and surgeons,” according to an editorial article by Drs. Jörg Keckstein and Markus Hoopmann published in the European Journal of Ultrasound.
Endometriosis is a progressive disease the diagnosis of which is often delayed unnecessarily, leading to devastating consequences for affected women.
The revised American Society of Reproductive Medicine (rASRM) classification system has been used to describe the stages of endometriosis. However, this system does not take into account the deep infiltrating endometriosis.
The inaccuracy of the system has been supported in many studies in which it has been compared to the #Enzian classification. In addition, many studies have demonstrated the advantage of the #Enzian classification in diagnosing endometriosis by ultrasound.
“The #Enzian classification is initially considered difficult to understand by some colleagues,” the authors said, but added, “with the #Enzian classification, pathological findings of all compartments can be evaluated, coded, and documented in detail, which simplifies clinical decisions and also surgical strategies significantly”.
They also underscored the usefulness of the #Enzian classification facilitates communication with the patient and eliminates fears and uncertainties about the disease and its progression. Finally, they reported that there are Apps that can be used on smartphones to help learn how to use the #Enzian classification.
“The #Enzian classification is currently the most comprehensive system and suitable for both non-invasive and surgical applications,” the authors concluded.
This topic was discussed and explained earlier at the Annual International Medical Conference of the Endometriosis Foundation of America held in New York on April 1-2, 2023, and summarized in detail at Endonews.
Research Source: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37279767/
endometriosis diagnosis endometriosis classification #Enzian classification