The role of coagulation factors and tumor markers in diagnosing advanced stage endometriosis

Study reveals key correlations between inflammatory markers and coagulation factors in advanced stage endometriosis

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Retrograde Menstruation Theory Through Müllerian Anomalies

The prevalence of endometriosis is higher among women with obstructive Mullerian anomaly.

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Study Sheds Light on Effect of Endometriosis and Infertility on Couples

More research is needed to be able to differentiate the effect of one and the other.

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Diminished physical activity in women with endometriosis due to chronic pelvic pain

Endometriosis has a detrimental effect on functional capacity, muscle strength and mobility in women, compared to healthy women.

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The role of immunity in endometriosis

Endometriosis and immune sytem, which came first: the chicken or the egg ?

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Diagnosis and management of treatment in diaphragmatic endometriosis.

Surgical radicality should be tailored based on intraoperative deep endometriosis characteristics.

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Postmenopausal endometriosis is often neglected

Endometriosis in later life should not be underestimated

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Regulatory T cells influence on endometriosis development

Review study explores mechanisms of Tregs in endometriosis

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